A Feldenkrais Approach to Posture

Feldenkrais Method being used to treat a postural problem.

Effective posture enables you to express yourself.

More beautiful and more powerful, when you initiate movement from your hips and pelvis, you achieve the finest level of both strength and balance.

Many of us still carry ourselves as we did when we were children. Girls taller than their classmates slouch to appear shorter. Boys, wanting to look strong and virile, puff out their chests. Compound those behaviors with today’s work environment. We sit in front of a monitor for extended periods of time, in positions that do not promote good spinal health and posture. Many people sit with forward head posture with rounded shoulders. Treatment for these muscle imbalances should begin as early as possible before they become permanent and create pain.

Posture for Adults


The Feldenkrais Center of San Diego addresses posture in adults to: 

  • avoid dowager’s hump

  • alleviate episodes of back pain, neck pain, TMJ, and headaches

  • reduce the risk of repetitive strain injury

Posture for children


The Feldenkrais Center of San Diego addresses posture in children to: 

  • organize the back and neck for sports and backpacks

  • prevent slouching and rounded shoulders

  • stimulate a positive self-image and self esteem


Effective posture involves efficiency

Do we carry ourselves in such a way that all of our actions are easy and effortless, with grace and poise? Or do some actions feel clumsy or cause pain?

The ultimate aim of good posture is to move the whole body together in harmony. After an analysis of your posture and gait, a Feldenkrais postural session will be designed specifically for you to connect your skeletal elements into an effortless equilibrium. Without effort, your muscles and limbs will begin to assume the effective postural relationships you had as a child. The Feldenkrais Center of San Diego approach helps the body to remember how it felt to function efficiently, effortlessly, before the self-esteem issues of puberty, the long hours spent behind a computer, or that painful accident occurred.

The posture of man is unique in the entire animal world.

The head, trunk and pelvis are stacked one above the other, ideally bringing the center of gravity from the floor and foot up to the hip joints. Four normal curves exist to effectively transfer power from the hips to the head. The pelvis is tilted neither forward nor back, and no unnecessary effort is required to keep the head tall or shoulders relaxed. This efficient posture is easily attainable for both children and adults. Contact the Feldenkrais Center of San Diego today to find out more.